
001. First Impressions - FrUK

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Literature Text

[Please read SPANISH version below if possible. It's so much better than the translation into English.]

001. Introduction – First Impressions

One day, a little boy with blue eyes and golden hair was playing by a lake in the forest. He was alone, but he amused himself by watching his reflection in the mirror of water in front of him, playing with the grass around him and admiring the beauty of the flowers he found close by.
Little Francis was then young and innocent. He looked up as he saw a fast-running hare go by, and as he did so his eyes fell upon a boy he had never seen before, and who was sitting at the other edge of the lake.
That boy seemed to be younger than him; his eyes were as green as big emeralds and his eyebrows were somewhat bushy. His hair was blond and messy, and he wore a green cape. Jus like Francis, the little boy was alone except for a bunch of colorful butterflies that, to the eyes of the young Frenchman, seemed to be playing with him.
This mysterious apparition, this boy he had never seen before around that forest, awoke curiosity in the blue-eyed boy, who promptly stood up and swiftly made his way around the lake until he had reached the opposite edge, having kept his eyes fixed upon the other blond who sat there playing with butterflies and flowers.
Francis finally reached his target and, with a smile on his face, sat down next to the tiny green-eyed mystery that had so caught his attention, while the many butterflies that seconds ago had been surrounding the boy, suddenly fled and fluttered off to find a hiding place.
Somewhat annoyed, the mysterious little boy turned to look at him with a scowl of disapproval.
- What do you want? – he asked harshly, clearly upset because Francis had scared off his winged friends. He hadn't even bothered asking who the blue-eyed boy was first.
- To say hello – the Frenchman smiled, seemingly indifferent to the little boy's attitude – I'm Francis, how about you?


001. Introducción – Primeras Impresiones

Un pequeño niño de ojos azules y cabellos dorados se encontraba un día jugando a la orilla de un lago. Estaba solo, pero se entretenía mirando su reflejo en el espejo de agua en frente suyo, jugando con la hierba que lo rodeaba y admirando la belleza de las flores junto a él.
El pequeño Francis era entonces joven e inocente. Alzó la vista al ver pasar un conejo que corría veloz, y al hacerlo vio, al otro lado del lago, a un niño que nunca antes había visto.
Aquél niño parecía ser más pequeño que él; era de ojos verdes como enormes esmeraldas y pobladas cejas. Sus cabellos eran rubios y desordenados, y llevaba puesta una capa verde. Al igual que Francis, el pequeño estaba solo a excepción de unas cuantas coloridas mariposas que lo rodeaban y que, a ojos del joven francés, parecían jugar con él.
Esta misteriosa aparición, este niño que nunca antes había visto por estos lugares, despertó la curiosidad del ojiazul, que rápidamente se puso de pie y, a paso ligero, bordeó el lago hasta llegar a la orilla opuesta, sin quitar la vista del otro rubio que allí se encontraba jugando con mariposas y flores.
Francis llegó entonces a su objetivo y, con una sonrisa, fue a sentarse al lado del pequeño ojiverde que tanta curiosidad le causaba, al tiempo que las mariposas que hacía segundos rodeaban al niño, de repente huían y volaban a esconderse.
Algo enojado, el misterioso pequeño volteó a verlo con el ceño fruncido en señal de desaprobación.
- Qué quieres? – preguntó con sequedad, claramente molesto porque Francis había asustado a sus amigas voladoras. Ni siquiera se había molestado en preguntar quién era el ojiazul primero.
- Saludarte – sonrió el francés, impasible ante la actitud del pequeño – soy Francis, y tú?
Description: A young Francis suffers his first encounter with a younger still Arthur.

NOTE: Those "butterflies" Francis sees are, as in every fic of mine, actually Arthur's fairy friends =3

NOTA: Las "mariposas" que Francis ve en realidad son, como en todos mis fics, las hadas amigas de Arthur =3


I am suicidal. I have decided to take on the 100-theme Hetalia Challenge.


OH HELL YES. Expect to see A LOT of writing from me from now on xDDD

And if possible, as I said, READ IT IN SPANISH, it's so much better than my translation of it into English!

Read and comment plz? =3
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Aru-08's avatar
Haaaaaay, Cachai, esto te quedo muy cuuuute :eager: X3 !!!

Francis "saludarte" .... eso fue tan lindo X3